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《全力で拡散希望》慰安婦問題を英語で解説した動画を公開しました!【The Comfort Women Controversy : Sex Slaves or Prostitutes】


国際政治学者・藤井厳喜のロサンゼルス講演 「戦後68年、ニッポンの今を考える! ? 尖閣諸島、慰安婦問題を斬る!!」がいよいよ今週末、14日(土)、15日(日)、開催されます。
<第1日目> 9月14日(土) 午後2時開場、2時半開演
ニュー・ガーデナ・ホテル (New Gardena Hotel)
<第2日目>9月15日(日) 午後2時開場、2時半開演
JACCC 日米文化会館504号室




The Comfort Women Controversy : Sex Slaves or Prostitutes【Gemki Fujii 藤井厳喜】

YouTube : http://youtu.be/aqvMNKWOW7g

The Comfort Women Controversy : Sex Slaves or Prostitutes
《Please spread this message to as many as possible!》

Koreans claim that C.W. were sex slaves abducted by the Japanese armed forces.
However, the claim has no ground at all.
Thorough research reveals that Comfort Women were nothing but, professional prostitutes who were paid for their services.
Koreans fabricated history to accuse Japan.
No former Comfort Women ever proved that she was abducted by Japanese armed forces.

A.U.S. government war report simply states that Comfort Women are professional prostitutes.
Prof. Ahn Byong-jick of Seoul University concludes that Comfort Women were prostitutes and home of them were abducted by Japanese armed forces.
There are some documents that assert Coercive recruitment of Comfort Women.
The U.N. Coomara-swamy report is one of them.
However, these documents all rely on unreliable sources and they are rubbish from historians' viewpoint.

Gemki Fujii (Analyst, International Relations)

★ http://www.gemki-fujii.com/english/

★More Infomation ⇒ Society For The Dissemination of Historical Fact http://www.sdh-fact.com/index.html

★ 【 Cambridge Forcust Group of Japan.Co 藤井厳喜チャンネル】

  ( http://www.gemki-fujii.com/publicity/ )をご参照ください。


China Invades Japanese Senkaku Islands 【Gemki Fujii 藤井厳喜】

China Invades Japanese Senkaku Islands
 : Chinese Military Expansionism Threatens East Asia

YouTube : http://youtu.be/taqsm7L9Q1I
ニコニコ動画 : http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19069662

Please spread this message to as many as possible!

★More Infomation ⇒ Society For The Dissemination of Historical Fact http://www.sdh-fact.com/index.html

※ The Senkaku Islands Constitute an Intrinsic Part of Japan

※ The South China Sea's Gathering Storm : All of East Asia is waiting to see how the U.S. will respond to China's aggression. (By JAMES WEBB)
