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【再】「厳喜に訊け!特別版:New Dangerous Cabinet Starts」の日本語字幕版UP


 先日のブログでも紹介しました「厳喜に訊け!特別版:New Dangerous Cabinet Starts」の日本語字幕版も日本人向けにYouTubeにてUP公開されました。

そして、その上で、完全英語版の「厳喜に訊け!特別版:New Dangerous Cabinet Starts」動画の世界への映像拡散に御理解、ご協力宜しくお願いいたします。

 【日本語字幕版】New Dangerous Cabinet Starts. [Ch-SAKURA October 3, 2009]

 先日公開した「厳喜に訊け!特別版:New Dangerous Cabinet Starts」の日本語字幕版です。
英語版と合わせて、多くの方に見ていただけるよう お願いいたします。




Please spread this message to as many people as possible!!

【完全英語版】New Dangerous Cabinet Starts. [Ch-SAKURA October 1, 2009] 

Mr. Hatoyama has become a new prime minister of Japan and his cabinet has started.
But this new cabinet has quite dangerous foreign policy.
Mr. Hatoyama and Mr. Okada, minister of foreign affairs, are both pro-China and anti-U.S.
Mr. Hatoyama sometimes speaks like President Chavez of Venezuela.
Mr. Okada s family has big business stake in China.
Mr. Hatoyama and Mr. Okada are going to discard the cause of freedom and democracy; even though Chinese imperialism is the most dangerous element in East Asia.

Commentator is Gemki Fujii, lecturer at Japan's National Police Academy.
Please check his own web cite also at gemki fujii com.

※ 合わせて、此方の『NHKのJAPANデビュー捏造事件』を取り上げた英語版の映像拡散も引続き宜しくお願いいたします。

Mega Class Action Against NHK. Japan's Public Broadcasting Corporation, For Human Rights Violation. [Ch-SAKURA August 22, 2009]

More than ten thousand citizens are filing a lawsuit against NHK, on a Japanese public broadcasting corporation.
This is the largest class action in Japan's court history.
The reason is human rights violation due to fabrication.
NHK fabricated a TV program on Taiwan.
Many Taiwanese feel humiliated their human rights were violated.
Quite a few Japanese who love Taiwan filed a lawsuit against NHK, and some Taiwanese have joined the class action.
Commentator is Gemki Fujii, lecturer at Japan's National Police Academy.
Please check his own web cite also at gemki fujii com.

1/2 Gemki Fujii's Guide to JAPAN,Yesterday,Today,and Tomorrow 

Gemki Fujii is a professional analyst of international affairs.
He is one of the most well-known future forecaster in Japan.
He has authored nearly fifty books since1984. His company,CFG of Japan, publishes bi-weekly newsletter of future forecasting.
He is a lecturer at Japan's National Police Academy and visiting professor at Takushoku University.
In this TV Column, FUJII introduces you to unique civilization of his country, Japan.
How come you had better know recent happenings in Japan? Ask him what is happening in Japan's Wall Street and power center!

2/2 Again About Myself A Little More 

 ↑↑ 問い合わせやその他、私の簡単な自己紹介についての補足的映像。